state transition

英 [steɪt trænˈzɪʃn] 美 [steɪt trænˈzɪʃn]

网络  状态转换; 状态变换; 状态转换的过渡效果; 状态迁移; 状态转移



  1. State Transition Diagrams are optionally used to model critical real-time responses to complex events requiring special treatment.
  2. So far, I've done nothing to actually trigger a state transition, but all of the ground work is done.
  3. In some cases the state transition also involved reassigning ownership of the record to a new team member.
  4. Otherwise, some sort of atomic state transition mechanism is needed, such as atomic variables.
  5. Instead of using complex state transition diagrams to move a single record through multiple sets of users, with this approach you can simply create a set of Activities.
  6. A pending list is maintained to identify pccbs that have had a recent state transition.
  7. Other forms of rules detail the allowed changes in these business types, manifesting as constraints within service definitions, and state transition models.
  8. This property contains a predefined value of the sort of operation or state transition the component wants to propagate up to the application level.
  9. You use the request to send a message to the state machine to trigger a state transition.
  10. You can first define your own life cycle and state transition rules, and then map the states of the customized life cycle to the default asset life cycle in Asset Manager.
  11. State& The State capability a client define a simple property, state, generic state transition event, and state transition topics.
  12. Next, remember how the state transition diagram for the Order clarified stateful behavior of the order.
  13. When the state of a file descriptor changes, the subsystem notifies the pollcache, which triggers a state transition in the pollcache.
  14. Many process preconditions have been added for various operations, and there are multiple preconditions for artifact state transition.
  15. State transition model of a discrete-time serial repairable system
  16. In this paper, we prove a set of singular nonlinear shift registers using the method of state transition transformation, which are used to generate the regular sequences with fast self-starting.
  17. Reduced invalid state transition calls.
  18. From mathematical model of target tracking, Performance of target tracking is impacted by three main factors of object state transition model, filtering algorithm and object modeling technique.
  19. A state transition matrix sequence is constructed with the state graph and punctured pattern, and the product of the matrix sequence is used to compute the transfer function and distance spectrum;
  20. In the "When" section, list the trigger or state transition event.
  21. State Transition Diagram of Pushdown Automata and Simplification of Pushdown Automata
  22. To solve the complex design problem of control program of robots in different applications, the state transition method is proposed.
  23. On the Sustainability of the Urban Employees 'Basic Endowment Insurances System: Based on State Transition Matrix Model
  24. In this paper we study the stochastic stability and convergence conditions of a class of asynchronous large_scale systems with random state transition.
  25. Directed-path parsing is designed based on the prediction analysis and the theory of state transition diagram.
  26. Rapid analysis of LL syntax based on the state transition diagram
  27. The short-term ones mainly were interaction of thylakoid and stroma, and change of state transition.
  28. The paper presented research on state transition method for humanoid robots complex motion planning.
  29. The characteristic of the method is that the set-reset functions are gained directly from state transition diagram and then the driver equations of the triggers are made surly.
  30. A method of using finite state machine to design human-machine interface based on liquid crystal is proposed by analyzing the special character of state transition of finite state machine.